This pizza is super light and extra filling!
For the crust I used the flatbreads pictured below.
1 garlic clove chopped
1 slice Cooked Turkey Bacon (crumbled)
1/4 Squash (thinly sliced)
2oz. part-skim Shredded Cheddar cheese
1/2 cup Arugula
1/4 Sweet onion diced
1/4 Bell Pepper diced
2tbsp. Banana peppers
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Lightly mist each side of the flatbread with cooking oil of choice
Sprinkle with 1/2 of the cheddar cheese and chopped garlic
Bake in oven for 7 minutes
While crust is baking, add the arugula, onion, squash, banana pepper and bell pepper to skillet and cook on medium heat until tender
Top cooked crust with the cooked veggies and crumbled turkey bacon and sprinkle with remaining cheese
Eat & Enjoy